Author: Richard Vencu


    Începând cu anul 2021, ca urmare a aprofundării ramurii legate de inteligența artificială din cadrul informaticii, ne-am afiliat la fundația non-profit din Germania, care își propune să creeze seturi de date gratuite pentru acces public, precum și modele avansate de inteligență artificială. Primul proiect este ambițios și constă în crearea celui mai mare set…

  • 16571 SBCForwarder HS Logic Module

    Download here This module can help stopping telegram storms generated by logic plus central addresses loops. I found this happening with the module 19004 (Position display for shutters (with additional positioning input) and template 1-107 (Shutters Awnings Roof window) from Quad Client. The documentation of this template requires to have the status output as…

  • Notification System for Membership Websites Using Formidable Pro

    I am sharing here my experience of building an announcement system based on Formidable Pro (currently at version 2.14). The notification system is created for membership websites where admins can send personalized notifications to single or multiple users. Components: 1. The form is a simple form with a textarea and 2 checkboxes. Leave the checkboxes…

  • Install and configure Varnish 4 and Munin plugin for WordPress on cPanel/WHM CentOS 6 servers

    So you have a VPS with cPanel/WHM (11.48) and want to run Varnish 4 reverse proxy to accelerate the server for your WordPress installations while monitoring Varnish 4 with Munin. 1. Install Varnish 4 – just follow these instructions 2. Configure Varnish listening port to 80 by editing /etc/sysconfig/varnish file. In same file decide where to…

  • Soluții de imagistică medicală

    În anul 2012 am început dezvoltarea de soluții de imagistică medicală pentru domeniul stomatologic, în colaborare cu firma AWA Technics. Soluțiile vor cuprinde: un server de arhivare imagini PACS unelte de diagnostic web pentru analiza imaginilor 2D și 3D sistem de gestiune servicii medicale (workflow pacienți, modul radiologie, modul laborator, financiar) sistem CAD/CAM pentru realizarea…

  • XML-RPC Extended Media Upload Plugin

    Here is a XML-RPC interface extension plugin for WordPress in order to specify the attachment author and parent post at the time of upload. It can be useful when remotely publishing posts with media galleries where the client uploads the post, receives the post_id of the newly created post then uploads a number of media…

  • Optio Integration Tools for WordPress

    Today we release the initial version for the Optio Integration Tools plugin. It can be downloaded from the WordPress plugin repository at this link: We developed this plugin for use in Dentfix Pro’s website. This plugin integrates Option Publishing videos in your WordPress based dentistry site by means of shortcodes. The following shortcodes are available…