I wrote a WordPress plugin to handle in a different way the sticky posts, i.e. as recommended stories with links into a jQuery animated box.
Installation can be done using: WordPress.org plugin repository.
Admins can select four parameters:
- the *percent of vertical scroll* where the animated box appears
- the *number* of recent sticky posts to list
- if the posts have thumbnail there is an option to turn on / turn off the *thumbnail theme capability*
- since the sticky posts are presented this way, maybe there is no need to keep them on the front page anymore, so the third option allows to *disable the sticky property of posts in the main loops*
Other features
- when displaying a post that is sticky, the corresponding link is eliminated from the animated box
- if the sticky posts list remains empty, the animated box is not displayed anymore
== Installation ==
- Upload `recstory.zip` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
- Unzip the archive
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
The animated box is not animated, it just appears at all times
This is most probable a jQuery conflict with the theme or with another plugin. Try to switch to the default theme and / or disable other plugins.
== Changelog ==
= 0.1.3 =
Added admin options to display only on single pages, search pages, archives, category pages, tag pages, front page, author pages
Added admin options to display only for logged in users
= 0.1.2 =
Added metabox to remove recommended stories from specific posts, pages or custom posts id’s
Fixed some minor bugs that triggered javascript errors in certain conditions
= 0.1.1 =
Added option to modify the percent of vertical scroll where the animated box appears
= 0.1 =
Incipient version
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