Category: Wordpress

  • WPMS Network Sites Hierarchy

    WPMS Network Sites Hierarchy

    This plugin creates and maintains one or multiple hierarchies of blogs in the WPMS network. Download the plugin here: v0.1.0 Newest installation will always be found here:  

  • WPMS Network Recent Posts Template for Twenty Eleven theme

    Copy the code below into a new php template file inside the Twenty Eleven theme, then create a blank page using this template. Accesing the page will list the latest posts from all WPMS network sites except the main site. < ?php /** * Template Name: WPMS Recent Posts * Description: A Page Template that…

  • Timed Announcement Shortcode for WordPress

    Here is a simple shortcode that can be put in the functions.php file from the active WordPress theme. In the shortcode arguments you can specify starting time, ending time, title and title tag as well as the background colour and padding values for the div element that envelopes the announcment content. Of course you are…

  • Recommended Stories for WordPress

    Recommended Stories for WordPress

    I wrote a WordPress plugin to handle in a different way the sticky posts, i.e. as recommended stories with links into a jQuery animated box. Installation can be done using: plugin repository. Admins can select four parameters: the *percent of vertical scroll* where the animated box appears the *number* of recent sticky posts to list…

  • Dezvoltare web pe platforma WordPress

    Dezvoltare web pe platforma WordPress

    Ne face plăcere să vă prezentăm câteva proiecte dezvoltate de noi pe platforma WordPress. Dintre serviciile pe care le-am efectual peste această platformă amintim: dezvoltare de teme grafice personalizate dezvoltare de module adiționale (programare PHP, MySQL) creare de conținut tematic (ghostwriting) securizare SSL optimizare performanțe optimizare SEO campanii publicitare online (Google Adwords și Facebook) Câteva…